Join my Tech Industry PM Community

Tom's List

"Tom, the call was great! Paterson's background was super interesting. We ended up chatting for an hour, mostly about me sharing my thoughts and answering some great questions. He wanted to stay connected and I offered touch base again in a few months."-Jason H., experienced product manager at major fintech company"Hi Tom:I just connected with J this morning. He is FABULOUS! The conversation helped me uplevel my thinking on career growth, above and beyond the specific topics for which we got connected. Fun fact: J and I are both in the same city and will be attending the same product event this coming week, so we'll meet in person!"-M., Staff Product Manager at a Fortune 50 corporation"Hi Tom:I was able to connect with my match yesterday. It was such an insightful conversation. NAME is full of knowledge, and I see him as a great mentor to learn from. Thanks for the great matchmaking! Look forward to more activities to keep this community vibrant and mutually beneficial.Thanks!
-S., Principal Product Manager at a retail giant

Every few weeks, I match product managers with other product managers to give and receive advice and feedback on product management decisions or career topics.

help other PM's out


Someone out there is unpacking a challenge that you previously or are currently encountering. Help out a fellow PM.

Get a 2nd Opinion


It can be a game changer to get a fellow PM's advice who's been there and done that or is in a similar situation right now.

Curation is Everything

Quality Conversations

I go to great lengths to try and produce matches that make sense. I review every match before it goes out. I also track call feedback from both parties to ensure that most calls are really helpful.The more a member gives back to the community and is a positive contributor, the higher their priority in future matches with other top members.

Get Recognized

Top Advisors List

Every month I'll shout out the top members who got the best kudos from their calls and your contributions will be published in the Tom's List hall of fame :-)

Access Experts

From APM's to CPO's

Already, I've got senior execs from all the FAANG companies as well as multiple unicorn startups and more are joining every month.

Rules of the Trail

Be Cool

All I ask is that if you join, please fill out the form and when you get matched, follow through, try to be helpful or make it easy for the other person to give you help, and then let me know how it goes after each call.

It's Free

It's Free

There's no charge and there will always be a free option.

About Me

Who's Tom?

I've been a PM in the tech industry since 1999. Half of my time has been at startups as an early PM or co-founder with 2 exits, half in big tech, most recently ten years at Google initially as an AdWords and Google Analytics Sr PM back in 2006-2009 and then as a PM Director at YouTube and Google Health from 2016-2023. I graduated from Bowdoin College and Harvard Business School. I live in Palo Alto, California. As you can tell from the images, I'm into hiking and backpacking.Follow me on LinkedIn and Substack

Join Now

Just fill out the sign up form, look out for match emails and respond to them in a timely way, give and get great advice, and then email me call feedback afterwards.


Q. How much does it cost?
A. It's free.
Q. How many matches will I get?
A. If you submit a question when I send out requests for questions or volunteer to answer a question, I'll try to match most folks but it's not guaranteed.
Q. How do I get matches?
A. Fill out the membership sign up form here and then when I send out emails asking members if they want to get matches for the next batch, reply to them.
Q. How can I get matched with folks super senior to where I am?
A. The best way to get priority matching upwards is to do a lot of downward or peer calls and get great feedback. This will give you priority when you ask for advice.
Q. I don't want to get spammed with random matches.
A. You won't be. All matches are curated and the goal is to match people with comparable or N+1-2 experience in terms of PM levels. Not everyone who joins will get a match if we don't find suitable partners. You won't get matched unless you opt in prior to each new matching period.
Q. How do you protect against noise and random matches?
A. I do my best to review folks when they join. After every match, we ask for feedback on if the other person was responsive and if the call was high quality. If a person is a no show or isn't engaging with the best intentions or being a constructive community member, we will not be able to match them in the future.
Q. I signed up and haven't gotten any matches?
A. Once you sign up to be on the list, you also need to re-opt in prior to each matching batch by replying to the pre-matching email I send out which happens every few weeks. This helps ensure a high follow through rate for intros and gives you the option to get matched only when you've got time.
If you don't re-opt in, you will be excluded from matching for the current batch but will still have an opportunity to re-opt in for future batches.Q. I'm in. How do I get started?
A. Sign up here. It'll take 3 mins.
Q. I have other questions.
A. Email me: tom@ this domain.